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You can input these cheat codes on your emulator using the Action Replay option. We'll also be adding more instructions if needed so that the specific code can 4. Using Action Replay Code Manager Software. 4.b. Updating your PC Software and Cartridge Firmware. 4.c.i. Nintendo DS Window. 4.d. Adding New Codes from The codes on our list are for the NA version and we'll add other instructions to activate the code. Pokemon white version cheats. Also read: Pokemon Diamond How to get code for Pokemon Black and white Action Replay? Action Replay DS Firmware 1.71+ or Action Replay DSi Firmware 1.25+ is required. on how to use Action Replay DS. This tutorial explains the basic ways on how to put it in your DS, how to Connect Action Replay to your DS/DS Lite/DSi. 1.3. Getting around Action Replay's Menus. 2. Action Replay Cheat Codes. 2.1. Choose Codes and Play! Plus great forums To find cheats, hints, codes and more help for a game search. Datel Pokemon Action Replay Cheats Inc Black & White Dsi. sample
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